Sunday, October 23, 2016

Google Drive- Let's Dive in!

All About Software Support Tools!

Do you use Google Drive in your classroom? If not, you should be! Google Drive is so much more than GoogleDocs, Sheets and Slides. Did you know that GoogleDrive offers a whole host of apps? YES!!!!!! In your google drive, under "NEW", click more, and then click connect more apps. Voila! Start being amazed. It's the same feeling I got when I purchased my first iPhone and downloaded a bunch of awesome apps! I've already researched a few google add ons, as well as some other tools outside of GoogleDrive to get you started. Let's start making our classroom run smoother together!

Materials Generators "help teachers and students produce instructional materials on paper and online" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). I feel like this is a given, but I have to include Goggle Docs. It's cloud based, allows for add ons, able to voice type, has a research tool, allows for collaboration, templates, and even shows your revision history! De Mobo Slides is an add on in Google Drive that allows you to connect your phone to your computer and use your phone to control your presentations. As long as your phone and computer are on the same wifi, you can use it! You can also use your laptop's camera as a projector. You just need an iPad holder so your camera can be set up like a projector. No need for an ELMO. How cool is that!?!

Data Collection and Analysis Tools "help teachers collect and organize information to provide feedback and decision making" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). Google Forms allows you to quickly set up a questionnaire that you can email or send as a link. Teachers can use this to collect immediate data from students, as well as parents. Teachers can also use this as a way to make a self-grading quiz! INOW is a school wide program teachers use to keep digital records of students attendance and grades. The program also allows parents immediate access to their child's information through a password they set. 

Testing and Grading Tools "help teachers collect and track assessment information to measure student progress" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). Rubistar is a rubric generator that helps teachers create and edit rubrics online, best of all it saves loads of time! Pear Deck is a formative assessment tool used to engage your students in the classroom. It's fun to create too! It's available as an add on in Google Drive. Best of all you can integrate it with Google Classroom!!!

Graphics Tools "allow manipulation of images to illustrate documents and Web pages" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). Google Slides is a tool in Google Drive that is similar to PowerPoint. I use Google Slides when I teach as a way to keep the content interesting and visual. I also use it to keep track of what I need to do next as I am teaching. Google Drawing is a tool that teachers and students can both use to create posters, flyers or other graphic documents.

Planning and Organizing Tools "help teachers and students conceptualize, organize, and communicate their ideas" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). Common Curriculum is tool that allows teachers to easily and flexibly create lesson plans online. Best of all, it integrates with dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive! Google Calendar is a great way for teachers to organize their schedule. One thing I love about this is that Google Calendar will automatically add birthdays or events that are in your gmail. You can also use multiple calendars within Google Calendar. You can separate your personal life from your work life.

Research and Reference Tools "let students look up information in electronic versions of encyclopedias, atlases, and dictionaries" (Roblyer, 2010, p.141). Encyclopedia Britannica can be accessed online and is an invaluable tool for both educators and students. This is also a reliable alternative to wikipedia. Google Maps is an excellent tool for the classroom. Teachers can use Google Maps to teach geographic concepts to their students.

Content-Area Tools " support teaching and learning activities in various subject matter areas. Teachers can use the NOOK kids app for reading instruction if their school has access to an iPad. Within the app, the students can read to themselves, or the app will read to them! This is a great tool for struggling readers. Currency Converter Real-Time is an add on is Google Drive. This is a great way to introduce the differences in currency in various countries.

Roblyer, M. D. (2010). Integrating educational technology into teaching

 (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

Search Engines and Web Navigation
Wow! We live in an incredible age where information is literally at our fingertips! What an overwhelming duty we have to our students to instruct them on how to properly and responsibly access the internet to retrieve information. Most students, no matter their age, have an idea of how to use the internet before they even enter our classroom! However, it is our job as educators to expand their knowledge by showing them how to make the most out of the internet in regards to their education. One of the tools the internet has to offer is the ability to navigate information on the web through the use of search engines. “According to the Search Engine Watch site, in the United States the ‘Big 5’ search engines are: Google, Bing, Yahoo,, and AOL” (Roblyler, 2010, p.183). Teaching students how to properly use search engines by using keywords and advanced searches will allow your students to access more specific information for the topics they are wanting to know more information about.
Website Evaluation Video
“As students learn how to make use of online sources for school purposes, an essential skill they must acquire is being able to evaluate information critically and to look for indications that content is accurate and reliable” (Roblyler, 2010, p.199). Teach them to stay away from Wikipedia! I love mnemonics, don’t you? I still to this day know the color order of the rainbow, lol! Teach your students about the CRAAP test, to find out whether the information they located is “crap”, or not; pun totally intended. CRAAP stands for currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose.
Favorite Professional Websites
Some of my favorite websites specifically designed for educators, as well as students, are and Both sites are organized and “reflect characteristics and features that are easy to use” (Roblyler, 2010, p.199) They each have search engines that make it easy to locate the information you need for your lessons. You can also rest assure that within each site, the content and media are both appropriate for young ears and eyes.
Online Safety and Security
The internet, while beneficial, also has many downsides. So much information is easily accessible to anyone who is willing to search for it, and unfortunately that opens up the potentiality and likelihood that someone will access inappropriate information, sometimes even by accident. It is imperative that we take the steps necessary to ensure our students’ safety. Fortunately, most schools have firewalls or filtering software installed through their school’s network to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material. With the use of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) implemented in many schools, it is essential that we remain vigilant in our efforts to make school a safe place for students to access the internet.

Roblyer, M. D. (2010). Integrating educational technology into teaching

 (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.