Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hello World!!! My name is Rachel and I am a "Teacher in Training". What exactly does that mean? I am a student who desires one day to BE the teacher. I'm a work in progress. I am a mom to three kiddo's, so I've taught a few little people a thing or two. I also taught preschool for a couple of years, and decided it was time to go back to school! Two years in and I can finally see the light, hallelujah! Maybe I'm crazy, but I sure am having fun. Is this my first Blog? Yes. Why on earth am I blogging in the first place? I mean, every SuperMom/ Student out there knows I have just loads of time on my hands! But, seriously...I am taking a technology class at the University of Montevallo for my Elem.Ed. major, and this is part of my assignment. Cool class, huh? This semester I am going to learn about all the neat things that teachers are incorporating in their classrooms (or should be), and in case YOU are interested, I will blog about all of it here! I will list the things I like and the things I don't. YOU can make your own judgement. I am pumped about becoming a teacher, and I believe education should be fun! Students should enjoy learning. I mean, why not? I am totally having fun in school right now. :) Until the next blog.....

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